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David Meier & Eli Wallace (CH, US) | Konzert

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024 von 20:00 bis 22:00

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024, 20:00 Uhr, Café Wolf

Drummer and composer David Meier (*1985 in Lucerne, Switzerland) has been working since 2006 with the internationally active Swiss band Schnellertollermeier, which plays uncompromising music between modern composition, minimal music, improvisation and rock music. In duo with synthesizer and computer wizard Ramon Landolt he works in the border area of electronic and acoustic music. He explores the possibilities of the drumset in the context of improvised music in the trios Zimmerlin-Stoffner-Meier and Meier-Hanes Amberg, as well as in duo with violinist Anouck Genthon and various other ensembles. His septet Hunter-Gatherer acts as a vehicle for his rhythmically complex and melodically idiosyncratic compositions, which always contain large amounts of improvisation and specific interpretive strategies. In his solo performances he creates a personal music, which is characterized by the improvisational approach and simultaneous restriction to a few parameters at a time. His energetic playing and organic sound have made him a sought-after drummer in Switzerland and beyond. Concerts and tours throughout Europe, USA & Canada, South America, Russia & Siberia, India, China, Korea and Japan.

Eli Wallace is a pianist, improviser, and composer who resides in Brooklyn, NY, leading his own projects, and collaborating with other like-minded artists. His work as a pianist displays a proclivity to free improvisation, incorporating elaborate piano preparations that John Lewis (The Guardian) says is „…pushing the boundaries of the prepared piano.“ His compositions employ notational strategies to broaden how musicians produce sound and the ways in which they interact. Over the past decade, he appeared on dozens of albums and performed at venues such as The Stone, New York, NY, Roulette, Brooklyn, NY, and Experimental Sound Studio, Chicago, IL, Mizzou International Composers Festival, Columbia, MI, and Cave 12, Geneva, Switzerland.

Mehr Info

Bild © Meghan Desmond


Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024
20:00 bis 22:00


Café Wolf
Annenstraße 18
Graz, Steiermark 8020 Österreich
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0699 11460543
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